Everywhere there is love and a framework of energy and potential that stretches, bunches, and bursts, cycling like seasons from death to ripeness and back again, waiting for us to remember who we are. Waiting for us to seize the day.
When we do, the wind is at our back. The storms of life become opportunities to water our garden. We rediscover that we are the sky, the observer of each sunset and starry night. We remember that we are air, the water, the earth, and spirit. We remember that we are the cosmos in a constant state of becoming. In each moment we choose to combine rather than attempt to control, we are reborn.
For me, the hardest part of the journey is noticing life as it is and not by my ego’s dictations. To quote Wayne Dyer, “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” When I look back on my journey, especially the most difficult of times, I can see now that life always mirrored what I gave attention to. It still does, but the tinder of inauthenticity no longer fuels the old self fulfilling prophecies that used to burn me.
As I continue to release myself from the waking dream, I am repeatedly reminded that knowing the truth doesn’t always make changing any easier. Most of my life's work has been dedicated to exploring just that, as well as how to move through those barriers and onto evolution.
Creativity, in all of it's facets and forms, are the breadcrumbs that provide me with perspective and a way back to my chosen path when I lose sight of who I am and who I am becoming.
Welcome to my website, the home of my breadcrumbs, creative endeavors, and healing journey. As I evolve, so will these pages and my offerings. I hope to connect with you soon.